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Transcript / PowerPoint

Pastor Gus preached from Hebrews 13:7-25, covering the importance of following godly leadership, the unchanging nature of Christ, and our call to offer spiritual sacrifices. He also reflected on the courage it takes to stand firm in faith and how God equips us to do His will. This powerful passage calls us to focus on faithful living under Christ’s lordship and embrace the peace that comes with doing God’s work.


Lord, we come before You today with thankful hearts for the leadership You have placed in our church. We pray for our leaders to have wisdom, humility, and courage as they follow Your will. Help us to understand the power of Your unchanging nature and to grow in faith as we seek to live according to Your purpose. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


  • When has following godly leadership brought peace or clarity to your life? How did that experience help you grow in faith?

We Are Called to Follow Godly Leadership
Pastor Gus reminded us that we are instructed to “remember our leaders” who have taught the Word of God, encouraging us to imitate their faith. Though no leader is perfect, they are to demonstrate a transformed life through the power of Christ:

“Leadership shown to be legitimate by faithfulness to the word of God and godly conduct is who we should follow. Now, we all understand that leaders don’t have to be perfect, save one. Amen. Praise God for that. But they should be able to show and demonstrate with their life that the power of Jesus is real.”​ – Pastor Gus Booth

Jesus Is the Unchanging One
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. This unchanging nature gives us a firm foundation for our faith, reminding us that the same God who has worked through history is working in our lives today:

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. So on the heels of the writer of Hebrews talking about human leadership, he jumps to the leader of all leaders. You know him as the king of kings.”​ – Pastor Gus Booth

Rejecting Empty Rituals for True Spiritual Sacrifice
Pastor Gus explained how, in Christ, we have moved away from ceremonial foods and sacrifices to spiritual sacrifices like praise and good works, which are pleasing to God:

“Let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of lips that confess his name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. So God is no longer pleased with animal sacrifice, yet for thousands of years, that’s how they related to God.”​ – Pastor Gus Booth

Equipped to Do God’s Will
God equips us with everything we need to accomplish His will. This equipping is not for our comfort but to help us live out His purposes:

“The God of peace will equip them with everything good. Now listen, when an all-powerful being says He’s going to equip you with everything, do you think you will be ill-equipped? Absolutely not. Why does He equip us? We have the most peace when we are the most in His will.”​​ – Pastor Gus Booth

The Courage to Confess Christ
Finally, Pastor Gus urged us to confess Christ boldly and courageously, even in a culture that might resist:

“When we have the courage to let people know about Jesus is when greater peace enters our lives. But when we have the proper understanding of how powerful that name is, our nerves become courage.”​ – Pastor Gus Booth


  1. How does the unchanging nature of Jesus give you confidence in your faith?
  2. What are the spiritual sacrifices we are called to make in place of the old rituals?
  3. How can you cultivate more courage in confessing Christ to others this week?
  4. In what ways has God equipped you to do His will, and how can you grow in using these gifts for His glory?


  • Godly leadership is essential for the church’s growth, and we are called to honor and imitate the faith of those who live according to Christ’s Word.
  • Jesus’ unchanging nature provides us with stability and assurance in a world of shifting values.
  • Spiritual sacrifices like praise, good deeds, and generosity replace the old ceremonial laws, reflecting the heart of the New Covenant.
  • God equips us for every good work, empowering us to live out His will with peace and courage.


This week, reflect on the ways God has equipped you to do His will. Seek an opportunity to courageously share the gospel with someone, trusting that God will give you the words and strength to confess His name.


Lord, we thank You for equipping us to do Your will. Help us to offer spiritual sacrifices that are pleasing to You and to confess Your name boldly. Strengthen us as we follow Your unchanging Son, Jesus Christ. Guide our leaders and give them wisdom as they serve Your people. In Jesus’ name, Amen.