Join us online at 7PM tonight! Review the Fasting & Prayer Guide
Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is with in me, bless His Holy name, Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits (Psalms 103:1-2)
Prayer Points
Lord God, my soul boasts in You alone. I humbly bow at your feet, declaring there is none like You! Your loving-kindness is better than life. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is your loving kindness to those who fear you. Thank you Lord for this special time together to draw near to you, to gaze upon your face, and to hear you more clearly. As I fast and pray, I commit to magnify You above all other gods, to seek your face, to consecrate my lips to continually praise you no matter what the circumstances look like. Lord God, please give me a clear vision of what I am called to do so that I will run with Your divine momentum. Fill me up with Lord God, til I overflow, with a supernatural hunger for Jesus and b His name I ask all these things, Amen.
Worship Song
10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord O My Soul) Matt Redman
Call to Action
Begin a journal or a checklist, something that helps focus your mind and track your spiritual growth with the Lord.
A simple spiral bound notebook will do or if maybe someone has gifted you with a pretty journal that you have not written in.
Now is your chance. Here are a few writing prompts to get you started.
- What is your goal over the 21 days of focused prayer and fasting?
- At this moment, what do you believe about God, about prayer, about fasting?
- What are you planning on giving up to the Lord? For example: will you fast just breakfast? just coffee? just sugar?
- When will you begin? Do you have a time set aside? For example: skip Breakfast and lunch for 1 week or all 3 weeks?
- What Biblical promises/scriptures are you standing on to raise faith into your heart?
- Will you have a prayer partner? If so, what time will you commit to pray together?