You can belong here, no matter what background you come from or what you believe. You can begin your walk with Jesus at Warroad Community Church, a place where you can BELONG before you believe, BELIEVE before you begin, and BEGIN before it’s too late.
G = God
L = Love
O = Obedience
R = Relevance
Y = You
GOD: The meaning of life is to give God glory, and we are to understand and reflect that in maintaining a Christ-centered lifestyle. This is expressed in all areas of life; worship, work, entertainment, etc. In all these things we realize they are about Him, and not about us.
LOVE: Our desire to give God glory must be rooted in Love. Firstly, His love for us, and then our love for Him in return. This is shown in our love for our Christian brothers, as well as for the lost. It does not matter what our talents, gifts or obedience level is if we do not have love.
OBEDIENCE: We will Obey if we do love God. Our Faith will create our actions of obedience, not the other way around. True faith will produce Love, and true love will produce obedience.
RELEVANCE: We are called to be Relevant to the world in our actions in order to impact it. We believe that Scripture and Spirit-led obedience will always be relevant and effective to culture. We want to seek scripture and pray that the Holy Spirit would give wisdom to guide our choices and actions to make them the most effective for impacting our community.
YOU: You, as a Christian, also have the Holy Spirit living in you. He gives you the ability to live a Christ-like life and reflect God’s glory to the world. You proclaim God’s glory and make Him famous as You respond to His glory.
These 5 points are also the standards to measure whether we do a ministry or action in order to keep the church focused on its vision and purpose:
- God- Is God at the center?
- Love- Does what we are trying to do love people in the way Scripture defines Love?
- Obedience- Does the Bible mandate it & does the Spirit want it at this time?
- Relevance- Is it needed by people and will it accomplish meeting that need?
- You- Do we have the people to do it excellently?